Congratulations on receiving your Prepaid Mastercard! This article provides essential information on how to locate, claim, and use your card, as well as important details about its validity.
Receiving Your Prepaid Mastercard
- Email Notification: You will receive an email from with the subject "Your Mode Reward has Arrived!". This email contains a 14-digit alpha-numeric code for your Prepaid Mastercard.
Important Timelines
Claiming the Card:
- You must claim your Prepaid Mastercard within 30 days of receiving the email to avoid forfeiture.
Using the Card:
- After claiming, you have 90 days to use the card before it expires.
The Prepaid Mastercard can be used online for purchases and payments after it is claimed by entering the code you receive here:
Additional Information
- No Reissue Policy: The Mode Earn App cannot reissue any prepaid cards or reimburse for any unused amount. Please ensure you use your card within the specified timeframes.